Rich In Words

Rich In Words

by Rich Mullins

From Release Extra 1994

On Politics...
I have a pacifist world view with an Apache streak of vengence. Actually, there are many American ideals that I think are unworkable, but they are wonderful. Democracy isn't a flawless form of government, but it's a wonderful experiment, and I am grateful to be able to parcipate.

On Good Advaice...
Before I got into the music business, I was determined to live a life of dire and grinding poverty. I remember my uncle saying, "Wow, you are so proud of being poor -- what's so great? You would do a lot better to be a little more industrious, a little more frugal. If you're really concerned about the poor, becoming poor isn't going to help them, it's just going to ease your own conscience. If you're really concerned about the poor, go out and make a fortune and spend it on them.

On Ego...
I don't feed my ego by wearing pretentious clothes or by cutting my hair in pretentious ways or by snubbing people in hotel lobbies. That's not the way I feed my ego. The way I feed my ego is much more insidious and sneaky, but just as real...

On Prosperity...
When I meet someone who has bought into the prosperity heresy, I want to beat them up. You know, I would have been a good reformer. The only reason I don't is because I know that someday, God will judge me. And I could get into trouble for beating them up, so it's best not to...

On Love...
... But I think that's the funny thing about love, to me. It's like love hits you on so many levels. There's this kind of longing, oh please, and then there's going, we could go get pizza! -- you know, all in one breath, you feel all of it.

On Acceptance...
... To be real honest, I was such an outsider for so long, that acceptance -- even if it's shallow and even if it's cheap -- it still feels really good to me, I have to admit. Sometimes, it's like, I don't care why people like me. I'm just glad they do.

On Rich Mullins...
I actually like my songwriting. I like to think that if I wasn't Rich Mullins, I might still be a Rich Mullins fan. (Laughter)

On Faith...
I'm not really a bawl-baby, but it isn't an unusual thing for me to cry. At church one day during communion, one of the elders was praying over the communion. I know him fairly well and I know some of the tragedies in his life. And it just really struck me, it hit me in a deep and hard way. Wow. People are capable of coming together and expressing faith in God even when things haven't worked out the way they thought they were supposed to. That kind of faith is awe-inspiring. That hits me. All of that pain does. I think sometimes you look at life and it's just plum overwhelming.

On Bumper Sticker Philosophy...
When I was a kid in High School, it used to be really popular to wear buttons on your coat that said, "Smile, God Loves You." And that would always hack me off. Cause I go, you know what? God loves everybody. That doesn't make me special. It just means that God has no taste.

On Influence...
I probably write what I write because "Adagio for Strings" is already written and I couldn't come close to writing it if Mr. Barber hadn't. Lucky for us he did, and I'd say my stuff doesn't compare, but it's affected by it. Probably like if Mr. Barber's Rolls Royce ran over my pedal bike -- it would leave a mark.
